Heya! It's been 5 days since I've last updated you about the game. I think it's time to let you know some more.
Stats (LVL 1):
HP: 16
DEF: 0 (DEF reduces damage taken by 10% each level; max is 7)
ATK : 2
STA: 32 (STA= STAmina. Stamina is used to use special abilities you'll unlock through the adventure.)
GP: 5 (GP= GearPoints. GP increases max inventory capacity and also allows you to equip the special abilities you'll unlock.)
SPD: 2 (SPD= SPeeD. What SPD does is that it determines which enemy attacks first. For example, if the player has 2 SPD and the enemy has 1, the player attacks first).
UPP {This is technically not a stat.} UPP (UPgradePoints) are used to, well, upgrade your stats. Each time you level up, you get 5 UPP. You can level up your stats in any order! Just be careful to afford the upgrades. And also, you can have a max of 50; once you reach that limit, you won't be able to level up unless you spend at least 5 UPP.
Fatigue: Reduces player SPD by 1 and has a 25% chance of skipping turn due to exhaustion.
Dizzinness: Causes the player to be dizzy (duh), having a 55% chance of skipping turn.
Burning Touch: makes all attacks cause burning for the next 3 turns.
Confussion: This effect may make the player/enemy attack themselves, skip their turn, hit another enemy, and/or use a completely different attack
Hyperactive: If used on a player, it will allow the player to use any ability for 0 STA, but it lasts only 1 turn. If used on an enemy, this will have a % chance of dodging the player's attack.
(There are more; I'm too lazy to type it all out.)
Attributes are like power-ups that you can equip (2 at a time maximum)
Poisonous: Inflicts "Poison" effect by default.
Sharp: 50% chance of applying the "bleeding" effect/status.
Penetrating: ignores shields and DEF. {This one is only for enemies for obvious reasons.}
Vampiric: Recovers 10% of the damage dealt, 25% if the enemy has the "bleeding" status
Agile: +3 SPD, +50% STA, -25% HP, - 10% ATK.
Berserk: +4 SPD, +75% ATK, -50% DEFÂ
$A (Sapphires)
Sapphires are the main currency, used to buy pretty much anything.
RUB$ (Rubies)
Rubies, on the other hand, are more uncommon to find. They can buy keys to open chests and lots of other OP stuff, such as an "Upgrade Wildcard" that allows you to level up any stat without spending your precious UPP.
That's everything I have to say by now. See ya latr!!1!1111!
(If you have any questions, feel free to ask!)